Enhancing our curriculum
At Robert Mellors Primary Academy we have a strong focus on Personal Development which runs through every aspect of our Make a Difference culture.
We recognise that providing a wide range of activities in addition to the school curriculum gives children the chance to learn a new skills or practice something that they are already familiar with. They enable children to make new friends and interact with different adults from the school environment and beyond, thus supporting resilience and relationship building.
Throughout the school year, we aim to give as many children the opportunity to take part in at least one co-curricular activity – although many children take the chance to engage in more than this.
‘The best thing about our school is the opportunities we get.’

Co-Curriculum – what does that mean?
At Redhill Multi-Academy Trust, we label opportunities that enhance the curriculum as ‘co-curricular’ – those activities that run alongside traditional classroom learning. We call this ‘Curriculum Plus’.
Curriculum Plus activities take place during and at the end of the school day. They are led by school staff and external providers.
What’s on offer?
Our Curriculum Plus activities change throughout the year – but there is always something to join in with! Our offer is fully inclusive – like our school.
There are always sports activities to get involved with along with clubs which engage children musically, artistically or mindfully. We even have opportunities for parents to get involved with.
We offer a range of sporting activities through the year to different age groups. When a competition is approaching, a club for that event will be scheduled so that children are able to train so that they can compete to their highest standard.
Most clubs are cost free – these are run by school staff. There are some clubs which come with a small weekly cost to parents.
What sort of activities are on offer?
Cross Country
Magical Maths
Little Foodies
Table tennis
Board games
Rock Steady Band
Clay Creators
Forest School
Residentials for Years 4 and 6
KS2 Book Club
Mindful Moments (for parents/carers)