At Robert Mellors Primary Academy, we provide a wide range of opportunities for children to develop as confident, successful learners with high aspirations who are able to make a difference to their community and beyond. As well as ensuring both coverage and progression, the curriculum is thoughtfully designed to provide broad, balanced, deep and contextualised learning experiences.
The school is inclusive and provides a warm, caring and friendly environment that meets the needs of all learners. Pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their potential irrespective of
PSHE – Personal Social Health Economic Education; the curriculum:
A curriculum through which children learn skills they need to have a healthy, safe and fulfilling life beyond school.
RSHE – Relationship, Sex and Health Education:
A curriculum through which children explore the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up. They learn about positive relationships, growth and changes, as well as physical and mental health.
The Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSE) curriculum became statutory in September 2020. Relationships and Sex Education supports and guides children and young people in lifelong learning about relationships, emotions, the human biology of sex and sexuality.
It is compulsory for all primary school children to receive relationship and health education. At Robert Mellors Primary we follow the Christopher Winters Project which covers the statutory aspects of this learning.
The Christopher Winters Project is a scheme of work that includes lesson plans and teaching materials for Reception to Year 6. It builds on learning from previous years and revisits topics each year to cover them in greater depth. It includes lesson material on topics such as keeping clean, families, gender differences, personal space, puberty, relationships and many other topics. The Christopher Winters Project resources and lessons plans are quality-assured by the PSHE Association and the DFE to best support children along their learning journey of Relationships, Sex and Health Education. Our SRE curriculum links in with our science curriculum and will be delivered in three sessions over the course of the year for each year group. All SRE learning is age appropriate and children are taught SRE lessons in single-aged groups relating to their chronological year.
Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school – Parent’s Guide
PSHRE – A Guide For Parents And Carers Leaflet RMPA
What Does Jigsaw Teach Parents About LGBT+ Relationships – Parental information. Please contact the school office for password to view this document.
SRE (Sex and Relationships Education)
The following units of work are taught to each year group. Please follow links to find out more about learning content in each year group.
Year 1 – Growing and Caring for Ourselves
Year 3 – Valuing Differences and Keeping Safe
Year 6 – Puberty, Realtionships and Reproduction
At Robert Mellors, we teach the SRE units of work throughout the year. This gives teachers chance to revisit previous learning and supports the children with any questions that they have about this.
Sex and Relationships Education is an important part of the primary school curriculum and there are aspects of this which must be taught as statutory components of the National Curriculum for Science.
Parental right to refuse
Parents have the right to withdraw the children from aspects of sex education which are not part of the science curriculum. If this is something that you are considering, we would ask you to contact school so that you can discuss this with your child’s class teacher. We will be able to share with you further information about the specific content of the lessons that the children will be taught. If, following this conversation, you wish to withdraw your child from non-statutory aspects of learning, you will be required to put your request into writing for our school records.
We have welcomed Ally from The Dog’s Trust to talk to the children in school about keeping safe around dogs.