In line with the majority of primary schools in the country, at RMPA we require children to wear a school uniform. We know that uniform;

  • Reduces distractions
  • Promotes equality and the sense of being part of a team
  • Is practical for everyday use

At Robert Mellors, our uniform is representative of our school values of teamwork, responsibility and respect.

The colours of our uniform reflect those of Redhill Academy (our feeder secondary school) and the Redhill Multi-Academy Trust.

In 2021, our school uniform policy changed for the oldest children in school in support of their pending transition to secondary school. Children in years 5 and 6 are required to wear a button-down shirt and a tie.

All school uniform items can be bought from local high street stores/supermarkets with the exception of logoed items/ties. There is no expectation that sweatshirts/cardigans bearing the school logo are worn.

We would encourage parents to recycle uniform where possible. The school pastoral team hold some items of second-hand uniform which can be distributed as requested.

Uniform expectations for children in years 5 and 6 are as follows;

  • Black trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
  • White button-down shirt
  • Maroon/grey clip-on tie
  • Maroon v-neck sweatshirt/cardigan
  • Maroon/white checked summer dress
  • Black shoes/boots

Uniform for children in F2 – Y4

Children in all other year groups is as follows;

For reasons of health and safety, jewellery should not be worn except for stud earrings and items of religious significance. Children should be able to remove their own earrings for sports activities. Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back.