Our curriculum

At Robert Mellors, we follow the National Curriculum.

We aim to deliver the curriculum in a way that engages children learning core knowledge in an engaging and memorable way, through topics which enable them to make links between their learning, year on year. We support the children to develop skills to be resilient learners, with the understanding that making mistakes is often a way to reach the correct answer or outcome. We endeavour to ensure that our curriculum supports the children on their journey to being responsible and respectful citizens in a diverse community with teaching around protected characteristics and British Values integrated into everyday learning and activities. Our ‘behaviour curriculum’ is delivered through our Make a Difference culture. We have consistent and high expectations of the children and we support personal development by developing strong relationships and offering a wide range of opportunities to achieve beyond the curriculum.

Our curriculum is delivered over a 2-year cycle. Cycle A and Cycle B split the curriculum so that all children access all learning as outlined in the National Curriculum.

The cycles link to the following academic years;

2024-2025     Cycle A
2025-2026     Cycle B
2026-2027     Cycle A
2027-2028     Cycle B

You will find details of what is being taught in each year group below. Please click on the relevant term to find a planning overview for your information.

Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 & 6)

Cycle A
Autumn 1&2

Spring 1&2

Summer 1&2

Cycle B

Spring 1&2

Summer 1&2