The Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DSL) for our school are:
Emma Essex (DSL)
Head Teacher
Juliet Clark (Deputy DSL)
Early Years Leader
Jo Parr (Safeguarding Officer)
Teaching Assistant
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024
You can anonymously report concerns regarding the safety or wellbeing of a child to:
Nottinghamshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 500 80 90
Useful Links/Resources
Indicators of possible abuse leaflet
the NSPCC has lots of useful guidance and leaflets you can download.
Help for adults concerned about a child: Call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000
Help for children and young people: Call ChildLine on 0800 1111
PACE (parents against child sexual exploitation) link to web site below
Nottingham Independent Domestic Abuse Services tel:08088000340
Women’s Aid Integrated services
24Hr Freephone Helpline 0808 800 0340
Who else can help?
- Notts Women’s Aid provide support for women, children, young people and teens living in Mansfield and Ashfield
- Equation offer help to men over the age of 18 living in Nottinghamshire
- Broken Rainbow is a specialist service for transgender and bisexual people and those in same sex relationships. They have a helpline run by trained LGBT people
- Karma Nirvana supports victims of honour crimes and forced marriage 0800 999 5428
- The Hideout is a site for children and young people. It’s a space to help them understand domestic abuse and what to do about it
- Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. They are a federation of over 220 organisations providing more than 300 lifesaving services to women and children across England
Prevent – Counter Terrorism information, support and guidance