The Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DSL) for our school are:

Emma Essex (DSL)
Head Teacher

Juliet Clark (Deputy DSL)
Early Years Leader

Jo Parr (Safeguarding Officer)
Teaching Assistant

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024

You can anonymously report concerns regarding the safety or wellbeing of a child to:

Nottinghamshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 500 80 90

Useful Links/Resources

Indicators of possible abuse leaflet



the NSPCC has lots of useful guidance and leaflets you can download.


PACE (parents against child sexual exploitation) link to web site below


Nottingham Independent Domestic Abuse Services   tel:08088000340


Women’s Aid Integrated services

24Hr Freephone Helpline   0808 800 0340

Who else can help?

  • Notts Women’s Aid provide support for women, children, young people and teens living in Mansfield and Ashfield
  • Equation offer help to men over the age of 18 living in Nottinghamshire
  • Broken Rainbow is a specialist service for transgender and bisexual people  and those in same sex relationships. They have a helpline run by trained LGBT people
  • Karma Nirvana supports victims of honour crimes and forced marriage 0800 999 5428
  • The Hideout is a site for children and young people. It’s a space to help them understand domestic abuse and what to do about it
  • Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. They are a federation of over 220 organisations providing more than 300 lifesaving services to women and children across England

Prevent – Counter Terrorism information, support and guidance

We work with the NSPCC to deliver Speak Out. Stay Safe. sessions for children.

You may not know that the NSPCC have lots of useful information to help with the tricky job of parenting. Why not follow this link to find out more. There is support and advice for parents around sleep, managing children when they share a bedroom, moving house, healthy relationships, online safety, anxiety and lots more.