EYFS Curriculum Statement
For all children to have high levels of involvement in a curriculum that provides them with the skills, knowledge, attitudes and resilience to reach their full potential and make a difference.
We aim to have a vocabulary rich curriculum, which underpins all areas of learning. Staff are early language experts and aim to develop language at every opportunity. Children learn to read through the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics. Children’s interests are followed and also adult led provocations are introduced, leading to high levels of involvement.
The curriculum is designed with meaningful learning and enhanced by core experiences, including visiting the library and the park. These concrete experiences are designed to enable later abstraction. Staff are phonics experts and read engaging books. The curriculum has a strong emphasis on outdoor learning and being healthy, for example through daily ‘Physical Fun’ sessions. Risk taking is promoted and directly taught through the use of open ended resources and Forest School sessions. Children learn about positive relationships as a core part of the curriculum,
The most disadvantaged children make accelerated progress. SEND children are well supported through personalised provision plans. Children attain above national average in the ELG’s and are ready for the Y1 curriculum. Children are knowledgeable about how they become more skilful. There are opportunities for skills to be practiced as the brain development of young children means they need more experience so that knowledge and skills ‘stick’.