32 children from Years 4, 5 &6 were successful in their applications to participate in a trip to London which included a tour of the Houses of Parliament and a Thames River Cruise.
Over 70 children applied for a place, answering questions about themselves and explaining why they felt that they would be suitable to take part. Applications were of a very high quality and it was hard to choose who to select.

During our tour of the Palace of Westminster (the Houses of Parliament), we went in the Robing Room where the Monarch is dressed in the regalia that they wear for the State Opening of Parliament. We were impressed by the many art works that we saw and were particularly interested in the paintings of King Henry VIII and each of his six wives. We stood in a spot which was directly above the cellars where Guy Fawkes hid the barrels of gunpowder when he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. We went into both the House of Lords and the House of Commons and learnt about the significance of these rooms and the different artefacts that were in there. We also learned all about ‘Bills’ and how these may or may not become Laws. We were only allowed to take photos in one room – Westminster Hall – which is over 1000 years old and the only existing part of the original Palace as the rest was destroyed in a fire in the 1800s.

We also went on a cruise on a boat on the River Thames and travelled between Westminster and Greenwich. We saw many sights along the banks of the River. When we got to Greenwich, we walked through a tunnel under the river!